Dangerous Goods Licence Course TLILIC0001 Preparation and Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road.

This course provides the knowledge of dangerous goods road transport legislation and the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG7).Upon successful completion of the course the driver is able to approach their State  Regulatory Authority and apply for the issue of that State  Authorisation/Licence.(Other criteria required check your state authority)

The two day course covers all aspects of the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG7) Code and the relevant legislation including Classification, Marking, Documentation, Stowage and load restraint, Segregation and Compatibility plus Responsibilities of the individuals involved.

All courses are delivered Face to Face.

A dangerous goods driver licence is only required for transport of dangerous goods in the following cases:

  • In a receptacle with a capacity of more than 500L.
  • If there is more than 500kg in a single receptacle.
  • In the case of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), where the total capacity of all IBCs is more than 3000L or where any IBC is filled or emptied while on the vehicle.

Application Requirements

New South Wales

  • complete training course provided by Training4Transport, an approved trainer
  • be medically fit, complete required medical fitness form(see below EPA link)
  • have a satisfactory driving history(must have your RMS driving history which must have been issued within the last 6 months) must be certified copy by RMS
  • provide identification, 2 passport photos and photocopy of driving licence (front and back)
  • send completed application form and pay application fee (currently $57) (to either EPA postal address on forms or scan directly to EPA email address on form)

More details: https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/dangerous-goods/licensing-training


  • Complete training course provided by Training 4 Transport, an approved trainer
  • Be medically fit, complete required application form

More details: www.qld.gov.au/transport/licensing/driver-licensing/applying/dangerous/driver

Course Duration

Whether you require a license for the first time or need to renew your existing license, the duration of this course is 2 days.

Course Qualification

On successful completion of  the assessment, you will be then issued with a Statement of Attainment TLILIC0001 Preparation and Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road.

Course Locations

Training 4 Transport conduct Dangerous Goods Licence Course in both NSW and QLD on a regular basis at the following locations:

  • Lismore
  • Coffs Harbour 
  • Northern NSW
  • Brisbane QLD
  • Newcastle
  • Sydney

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